The specialists in historic masonry conservation
and contemporary architectural ceramics

Terracotta Design Ireland is a Dublin based company dedicated to the development and production of architectural ceramics – terracotta and faience – for all types of building applications: interior and exterior, structural and decorative, historic and contemporary.

Since its Golden Age in the late 19th century up to the 1930s, ceramics as an architectural material has been widely neglected and its unique qualities have almost been forgotten. This incredibly versatile building material combines considerable structural strength with delicate sculptural features. There is also the option to choose a wide array of subtle or vibrant colours and surfaces.

The full aesthetic potential of ceramics is waiting to be rediscovered by innovative and daring architects and clients.

Underpinned by many years of experience in building conservation and the recreation of historic terracotta and faience, our highly skilled craftsmen have comprehensive knowledge of traditional techniques. This expertise is combined with modern technology to deliver high-end solutions which guarantee the realisation of even the most ambitious contemporary architectural vision.